Cascade Slopes
League: National League
Division: West Division
Team Initials: CAS
Micro Manager: Felipe Hernandez
Owner Name: Duane Webster
All Time Record: 1970 - Current, 823-905, .476 (Playoffs: 0-0, .000)
Trophy Case: 
10+ Years In League 1970 Inaugural Member

Trade History
Trans Num Trade Date Details
1980.9    2023-10-10    Vancouver Soundscapes trade Rennie Stennett to the Cascade Slopes for Johnnie LeMaster.   
1979.6    2023-02-17    Wolf Creek Outlaws trade Ed Glynn to the Cascade Slopes for Tim Foli.   
1975.1    2020-07-24    Cascade Slopes trade George Foster to the Manitoba Bisons for MAN 1975 #1, RED 1975 #1, MAN 1975 #2, RED 1975 #2, and MAN 1975 #3.   
1974.10    2019-12-21    Gulf Shores trades Glenn Abbott and Tom Bradley to Cascade for Rennie Stennett and Fran Healy.   
1970.5    2017-06-26    Tokeneke trades Tony Conigliaro, Gary Nolan, and TOK 1971 #1 to Cascade for Carl Yastrzemski and Larry Dierker.   
